The program is now out

The program of the conference is now out. You can see it on the following page: Program, and you can download it here as well: GIRLS16_Program and abstracts.

List of speakers:

Invited speakers:
Liane Gabora: Theories of Creativity and Applications to Technological Innovation
Antonina Kolokolova: Complexity of Proofs: in Theory and in the World
Erik Olsson: Linking as Voting: Condorcet-style Theorems for the World Wide Web
Cornelius Puschmann: Rage Against the Elites? Polarisation and Counter-publics in Online Discourse on Immigration and Climate Change

Contributed talks:
Sheheryar Banuri and Katarina Dankova:  It’s All Fun and Games: Using Game Design Elements to Generate Effort
Tamas David-Barrett: Here-And-Now Social Cognition
Emmanuel Genot and Justine Jacot: The Logic of Online Discovery
Erik Mohlin and Yuval Heller: Observations on Cooperation
Sille Obelitz Søe: Non-Misleading Information
Sarita Rosenstock, Cailin O’Connor and Justin Bruner: In Epistemic Networks, Is Less Connectivity Really More?
Francesca Zaffora Blando: The Learning Power of Belief-revision Policies for Non-omniscient Agents

GIRLS16@LUND: Knowledge in a Digital World

The 4th Lund Conference on Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning and Semantics (GIRLS16@LUND) will take place at Lund University on April 27-28, 2016. The conference welcomes submissions from researchers in philosophy, cognitive science, economics, computer science, media science, and linguistics, using agent based models with bounded rationality, models of evolutionary dynamics, and other naturalistic approaches. The primary goal of the conference is to foster cooperation between these groups and help establish common interest in investigating the emergence of rational behavior in groups of less-than-ideally rational agents through learning and interaction.

This year’s conference theme will be “Knowledge in a Digital World” broadly construed.

knowledge-in-a-digital-worldThe conference is funded by “Knowledge in a Digital World”, a joint project led by Pr. Erik Olsson and Pr. Olof Sundin between the Lund University Information Quality Research Group (LUIQ) in the department of Philosophy and the Information Practices: Communication, Culture and Society (IPsituated at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences.


More details on the “Call for Abstracts” page.