Workshop: The 5th meeting of the Nordic Network in Metaphysics

The 5th meeting of the Nordic Network in Metaphysics will take place at Lund University, 12-13 November 2021.

Venue: LUX-building, room B336.

Talks: 45 min + 30 min Q&A

Abstracts (pdf)


12 November
9:00-9:05 Welcome
9:05-10:20 Åsa Burman (Stockholm University): “A Taxonomy of Social Facts”
10:20-10:30 break
10:30-11:45 Eve Kitsik (University of Cologne): "An Ethical Case for Ethics-First Social Metaphysics" 
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:30 Bram Vaassen (Umeå University): “Absence and Abnormality”
14:30-14:45 break
14:45-16:00 Johanna Seibt (Aarhus University): “Ontological Explanation, Metaphysical Explanation, and Being as Dynamic”

13 November
9:30-10:45 Jani Hakkarainen (Tampere University): “Metaphysics without Metaphysical Realism, Mostly”
10:45-11:00 break
11:00-12:15 Anna-Sofia Maurin (Gothenburg University): “The Anatomy of Metaphysical Explanation” 
12:15-13:45 Lunch 
13:45-14:45 internal NNM meeting

The number of seats is limited. To register for the workshop, please contact Robin Stenwall: robin.stenwallfil.luse

Programme and abstracts can also be found here: 

Organisers: Tobias Hansson Wahlberg (Lund University) and Robin Stenwall (Lund University) 

Page Manager: anna.ostbergfil.luse | 2021-12-02