CPH LU Workshop on Social Epistemology
The 5th installment of the Copenhagen Lund Workshops on Social Epistemology
Aviezer Tucker (University of Austin, Texas): Modeling the generation of knowledge from multiple testimonies
Bert Baumgärtner (UC Davis): An agent-based model of Millian mingling
Carlo Proietti & Erik J. Olsson (Lund University): Pluralistic ignorance, informational cascades and higher order beliefs
Chris J. Thompson (Cambridge University): An epistemic case for deliberative democracy
Fabrizio Cariani (Northwestern University): Why deliberate?
George Masterton (Lund University): Does Laputa solve Goldman's problem?
Gustavo Cevolani (University of Bologna): Belief merging and truth approximation
Peter Brössel (University of Bochum): Degrees of belief, confirmation commitments, and peer disagreement
Raphael Künstler (University of Provence): Information cascade and the division of cognitive labor
Rasmus K. Rendsvig (Copenhagen University): Dynamics of the bystander effect
10 am - 5.15 pm
Program: see PDF to your upper right, or below
Department of Philosophy
Kunghuset, Room 203
Principal investigators
Erik J. Olsson (Lund) & Vincent F. Hendricks (Copenhagen)
Frank Zenker & Carlo Proietti
By 26 November, please, at CALL FOR PAPERS (! CLOSED !)
We invite abstracts on any topic in Social Epistemology (i.e., both formal and informal work) for presentation at the above workshop.
Past workshops have dealt with formal models of belief polarization, information cascades, echo chambers, and pluralistic ignorance.
Novel contributions addressing these themes will be treated with priority, likewise for results obtained from agent-based modeling.
To contribute, please submit a max 500 word abstract on or before 8 October 2012 (midnight, Lund time).
Following a blind review process, please expect decisions within two weeks.
Travel cost covered/subsidized, room and board provided.