Monika Betzler – Ny gästprofessor vid institutionen

Publicerad den 11 april 2023
Monika Betzler. Foto.

Filosofiska institutionen har glädjen att välkomna Monika Betzler som Hedda Andersson-professor.

Monika arbetar vid “the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion, Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich” där hon innehar professuren i Praktisk filosofi och Etik. Tidigare höll hon professuren i Praktisk filosofi vid Universitet i Bern. Hon har vidare varit gästprofessor vid Universität Wien, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Tulane University, University of Berkley samt Harvard University.

Monika Betzlers forskningsintressen spänner över flera av den praktiska filosofins kärnämnen. Ämnen som upptar hennes intresse för närvarande är relationsetik, former av praktisk irrationalitet (viljesvaghet), teorier om normativitet och den normativa betydelsen av personliga projekt. Monika kommer att vara här i två perioder, april, maj och juni samt september, oktober och november.

In English:

The department of philosophy is honoured and delighted to welcome Monika Betzler as visiting Hedda Andersson professor. 

Professor Monika Betzler works at the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion, Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich and holds the Chair for Practical Philosophy and Ethics. Monika Betzler is speaker of the Munich Centre of Ethics, Director of the Executive Master Programme “Philosophy, Politics, Economics” and a Member of the Swiss National Ethics Committee. She is Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. She does research in Social and Political Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Ethics and Applied Philosophy. Currently, she is interested the ethics of relationships, autonomy, empathy, weakness of will and other forms of practical irrationality, theories of normativity and practical reasoning, and the normative significance of personal projects. Monika will stay will stay with us fortwo periods, April, May, and June and  September, October and November.